I’ve written a bash function and a VSCode snippet to create a new Jekyll post.

Bash Function

You could put this function in your .bashrc or .zshrc file. For Fig users, you could add it to your Functions under Dotfiles.

# Jekyll Post Creator Alias.
function jpc() {
  # The title of the post.
  # The categories of the post, space separated.

  # The file name with date and title.
  file="$(date +%Y-%m-%d-)$title.md"

  # If the title is empty, show usage.
  if [[ -z $title ]]; then
    echo "Usage: jpc <title> [categories]"
    return 1

  # If the current directory is not "_posts", prepend it to the file.
  if [[ $(pwd) != *"_posts"* ]]; then

  # If the file already exists, show error.
  if [[ -f $file ]]; then
    echo "File $file already exists"
    return 1

  # Create the file and add the YAML front matter.
  echo "---" >> $file
  echo "layout: post" >> $file
  echo "title: $title" >> $file
  # Add the date, time and timezone.
  echo "date: $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")" >> $file
  echo "categories: $categories" >> $file
  echo "---" >> $file

VSCode Snippet

Make sure that you’ve enabled quickSuggestions for markdown in your VSCode settings.json file. Otherwise, the snippet won’t work. For more information about VSCode snippets, see the official documentation.

"[markdown]": {
    "editor.quickSuggestions": true
  "jekyll": {
    "prefix": "jekyll",
    "body": [
      "layout: post",
      "title: $1",
      "categories: $2",
    "description": "Jekyll post"